Here are some swap show and tells that are very late. Of course a bit late is better than never. So bear with me as I share some of the amazing things I've received over the last month or so.
Rosina made me the most amazing stationary wrap for the Gratitude Swap hosted by One Crafty Mumma. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this! Rosina was so creative to think this one up. I love sewing with felt. There is so much you can do with it. Thank you Rosina!!!

This is the inside of the gratitude wrap and the beautiful fall leaf bowl and acorn spreader Rosina set to me. I love them!

I can't forget this beautiful owl quilt Lori sent me for the September Mini quilt swap. The theme was owls and mushrooms. Isn't it brilliant! I love it. I have an owl theme in my resource room at school so he's hanging in my classroom. Thank you Lori, it's perfect! You can see the mini quilt I made for Lori

Christy from Mama Said Sew sent us a surprise package. Nature Girl got a book about an orange cat and stickers. She loves orange cats and wants Santa to bring a real orange cat for Christmas. Christy also sent an applique quilt magazine for me. I want to try making one of the quilts featured in this magazine for Nature Girl. At 4 and a half she has begun to out grow her little down comforters she's used since she was a baby. While I know she'll never give up her "Puffy" it would be nice to make a quilt that will actually cover her toes. Puffy's getting a little short! Thanks for the surprise mail Christy, we really enjoyed it!

Sarah from
A Spoonful of Sugar sent a thank package to Nature Girl. We mailed Sarah a Sacajawea coin for her upcoming school project. Sarah sent these cute cookie cutters as a thank you.

As you can see the adorable cookie cutters are Australian animals. There is a kookaburra, platypus, echidna, frilled neck lizard, kangaroo and a koala. We enjoyed talking about and looking up information on the animals. Now we just need to make some cookies now so we can use the cookie cutters! Thank you Sarah and Lisa!
I hope I didn't forget anyone. Thank you for the lovely swap gifts and surprises!!! My apologies for being late in posting my swap goodies. School has taken up a huge chuck of my life so blogging and crafting has taken a back seat for a bit. This trend is sure to continue for the next few months or longer.
Wow :) You've gotten some fun swaps! I always seem to find out about them to late to sign up but I'm heading over to the book swap right after this *grin*. Enjoy your wrap :)
I love seeing all your swap stuff. Makes me so very tempted to get in on the fun but I'm so swamped ~ I'll have to swap vicariously through you. Love the owl!
wow! All those are lovely. The owl quilt simply makes my heart sing. If I could quilt, I'd make one just like it, I have a 'thing' for owls! Everything you got is wonderful! Enjoy it!
What lovely things. I especially love both the owl quilts (yours is lovely). I love owls too.
Hi Jill -
Sorry I've been MIA on your blog for a while... I've had fun catching up, though. You've been a busy woman!
Those swap items are darling! Isn’t the Internet an amazing thing? Look how it's brought people together from all over the world - not just in email, but in sharing gifts and information. How fun for Nature Girl to learn about Australian animals from those cookie cutters!
I wish I could be a mouse in your classroom, with that terrific owl quilt hanging in the corner. How nice of your to share that with the kids. I bet you’re an amazing teacher!
What great swap stuff! Even though you aren't blogging much I've given you two awards - they're waiting for you. No pressure to blog about them though! Enjoy the short school week this week, Beth
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