So fall has officially arrived. For me I feel like fall arrived back on August 20th when I walked back through the doors of school for teacher workshops. After a four and a half year break it's been a big transition! Nature Girl has handled it very well and my husband has been fabulous about helping me through the transition. It's been hardest on me but this week I finally feel like I'm beginning to adjust to school life again. Let's hope that continues.
We're in the midst of a rainy weekend so my proposed trip to the apple orchard will have to be postponed until next weekend. But never fear Nature Girl has already gone to the orchard on a class field trip. Her dad and I both had to work that day so MB took her on the field trip for us and took these pictures. Thanks MB!

The kids got to watch apple cider being made. Nature Girl loves apple cider!

She looks so serious her, yet so cute! Oh wait, I'm a bit biased as her mom. . . .of course I'd think she's the cutest kid!

Each child was supposed to pick one apple to eat. Here's Nature Girl picking her apple at the orchard. She LOVES apples!

That face isn't showing the love! It turns out she had to work extra hard to get her apple off the tree and then was ticked off because it was the smallest apple in the orchard! That face tells it all! MB came to the rescue and ate the small apple so Nature Girl could pick a larger one.

And she was happy again!