I joined the Great Apron Swap 2010 and was partnered with the lovely Joanna in New Zealand. Joanna sent this sweet bunny for Nature Girl. Look at that swap happy little face!

Nature Girl named this sweetie, Lovey Dovey. Lovey Dovey now has a prominent place in Nature Girl's bed and even got to play in the back yard tonight. She's made with wool, corduroy, cotton and duck cloth. She's a one of a kind treasure. Thank you Joanna!

This is the beautiful apron and pencil case Joanna made for me. It's fresh out of the package after the long trip from New Zealand. Don't you love it?! It's beautiful but even more, I love that Joanna based it on an apron her daughter's kindy teacher wears. I'm a teacher so I just love that it's modeled after another teacher's apron. She also included a lovely matching pencil case for me because I'm a teacher and have tons of pencils. By the way, Joanna makes beautiful pencil cases, wallets and bags to sell. You can see them
here and
here. You can also check out her lovely blog

I tried to get Nature Girl to take my picture but I kept closing my eyes and laughing so this is one the pictures I took of me wearing my new apron. Thank you Joanna for such a lovely swap package. I have greatly enjoyed swapping with you!