I like to craft and create things but I often end up creating things for other people. I've been wanting to make myself a purse but haven't taken the time. I've been sewing but the three
Jenny Purses I made were given away as gifts. Today I decided to make something for myself. I want a bag that I can take to the park this summer. It has to hold the essentials like my wallet, keys, cell phone, sunglasses but be light weight. So I created this. I don't know if you call it a sling bag or pouch bag but can be worn across the chest or over the shoulder. I plan on field testing it tomorrow. Our local park just opened today and Nature Girl is dying to go.

I stuffed quite a bit into the purse for the photo. It fit a cell phone, cordless phone, tennis ball, measuring tape and sunglasses with a little room to spare. Why would I stuff those items into my purse . . . because they were on my counter! Why else?

Here's a shot of the inside. It has a pocket for my cell phone and a ring to attach my keys to, since I hate it when my keys fall to the bottom of my purse and I have to dig for them. It's hard to see in the photos but there is also a deep pocket on the front of the purse. I think it could use a little embellishing on the front pocket but otherwise I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Not bad considering I made the pattern myself. This is just the kind of bag I envisioned for the owl on the yellow fabric. Nature Girl has already asked me to make it for her. Maybe tomorrow, because today was about making something for me!