Guess who learned to tie her own shoes???? That's right Nature Girl can tie her own twinkle toes now. She was surprised and happy when she finally accomplished this feat(sorry for the bad pun, I couldn't resist.)
Look at these sweet little feet. I snapped a picture of her first successful shoe tying experience. I was excited for her. Shoe tying seems to be one of the skills kids are losing or are greatly delayed in accomplishing these days. Honestly I have 4th graders who can't tie their shoes. So I'm thrilled that Nature Girl has finally mastered tying her shoes.

The last of our firsts is this rhododendron. We've lived in our house for eight years now. This little rhodie was here when we moved in. It hasn't grown much over the last 8 years, maybe tripling in size, so it's not very big. It hasn't bloomed either. We're very excited that it is blooming for the first time. I think all of the lawn fertilizer my husband has put down over the last three years is paying off.