The green leaf ornament in the center was made using wire and tissue paper that I glued to the wire. The ladybug on the leaf is also made from paper mached tissue paper. It's not easy to paper mache with tissue paper as it rips super easy when it gets wet!! But I didn't let that stop me and I was really happy with the result. I'm already thinking of other things to create using tissue paper mache.
Of course my personal favorite in the package is the wool ladybug pincushion. I promised myself I wouldn't use recycled wool this month for YOE ornaments but I couldn't stop myself. Technically it's not an ornament but a pin cushion so I didn't really break my promise to myself. Either way, I did use recycled wool and this little ladybug fairy was born. I think she's very cute and rounds out the package. I had a great time making these ornaments and hope my partner Sherry will like them!
Now I'm looking forward to July's theme - Mermaids, water sprites, sirens, and water nymphs! I can't wait to get started! I have a few thoughts stirring in my head but no definite plan or vision yet. I'm still mulling it over.