I have to say one of my favorite parts of our vacation was getting the opportunity to meet my blogger friend Barb. Barb lives in Florida. We've been blogger friends for years now. I was so excited when she offered drive up to meet with us at the airport.

We had a very long wait after getting off the cruise ship. I had no idea what I would do to entertain a six year old in an airport for eigth hours, but Barb came to the rescue. She met us in the airport, then took us on a tour of all the wonders the airport had to offer. Barb even brought her daughter Julz along. We joked because Julz had reminded her mom that you aren't supposed to meet in person with people you have met on the internet. While Julz is 100% right, meeting with Barb was like meeting with an old friend. It felt like more like I hadn't seen her for a few months instead of a first meeting. It amazes me that just by reading each others blogs and e-mailing that we could form a friendship that was so easy and enjoyable. I was thrilled to spend the day with Barb and Julz!

Here is a fountain located in the center of the airport. We walked, shopped, chatted and had lunch together. Barb and Julz even got to meet my husband. As most of you know he is elusive and blog shy so he's never featured here but alas he does exist!

Barb was too kind, she brought handmade goodies for each of us. She made a tea wallet for me with a beautiful green mug(same color green as my kitchen) and one of her famous wonder wallets for my husband. We greatly appreciate her kindness and even better it's ironic. Barb and I became blogger friends when I won one of her wonder wallets for leaving a comment on her
blog. I still have that very wallet and a matching tissue case in my purse! I've always been impressed with Barb's craft talent. She has an ETSY shop
here and makes beautiful bags, wallets and goodies. She does custom orders too.

She made this wonderful travel pillow case so Nature Girl would have something to remember Florida by. Nature Girl loves it!

Since I started blogging a few years ago I have been in contact with many bloggers. I have been constantly amazed by the kindness and generosity of my fellow bloggers. Until last week I have never had the opportunity to meet in person with a blogger friend. I have to say it was a great experience!! Meeting Barb in person was even better than I expected. She is the kind of person anyone would be happy to call their friend and I'm glad we got to meet in person. I hope that this is the first of many more meetings with Barb and family. So Barb if you ever want to come up North you'll always have a place to stay.