Saturday, May 24, 2008

ABC meme

Susan tagged me for an ABC meme, so here goes.

accent: no

breakfast or no breakfast: yes, toast with butter and a Coke to drink

chore I don't care for: washing dishes, putting away groceries and laundry

dog or cat: For me cats, but I love dogs if they belong to someone else.

essential electronics: computer & phone

favorite cologne: none too stinky!

gold or silver: both

handbag I carry most often: bags big enough to carry rocks for Nature Girl. I'm currently using the cherry bag I made for myself.

insomnia: Yes especially if I drink caffeine in the evening

job title: mom, wife

kids: one 4 year old daughter

living arrangements: just the three of us(my husband, daughter and I)

most admirable trait: I love to help and volunteer

naughtiest childhood trait: talking too much – yes, I'm still chatty!

overnite hospital stays: at 4years old I had tubes in my ears and when I had my daughter

phobias: snakes, things that cut flesh freak me out too

quote: Progress not perfection.

reasons to smile: Because I have a good life. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter and wonderful family and friends.

siblings: One older brother and two younger sisters.

time i wake up: Not until my child wakes up. Preferably after 8 or 9.

unusual talent or skill: I can't think of any right now.

vegetable I refuse to eat: radishes & I've never tried okra

worst habit: I can be obsessive about things(unfortunately that doesn't include cleaning!) I'm a perfectionist about my own work(not about the work of others, just me.)

x-rays: a few growing up

yummy stuff: caramel, chocolate, caramel brownie cheese cake, cookies, coke, chips, swiss cheese, extra sharp cheddar, bread, pasta,

zoo animal I like most: Giraffes -Have you ever seen a giraffe run? It's very graceful & elegant. And those long legs quickly cover the distance.

I haven't tagged anyone but if you'd like to play along consider yourself tagged!

Sorry no photo tonight. I worked on painting the milk cans today. By the time I was done painting, my arms, feet and hair all had red spray paint on them. I probably should have taken a picture of myself but I didn't. I hope to share pictures of the milk cans in a few days after the paint has dried and I put the finishing touches on them.