Crayon toes! So this is what Nature Girl is doing while she waits for the sign ups for our One Good Book Swap to end this Thursday. We have about 30 kids signed up right now. I hope to get sign ups closed and partner info sent out Thursday night. My grandmother is leaving rehab on Wednesday after having hip surgery for the second time in a week. It's a long story but we're glad she's finally on the mend. Nature Girl and I are heading to VT to spend the weekend with my Gram and get her settled in at home again. The plan is to have partner info sent out before I leave for VT but that might not happen till I get back on Sunday.

Nature Girl got a surprise package from Susan. Susan hosted the Strawberry swap at her blog
Chickenfoot. Nature Girl was excited to get this surprise package.

Here she is laying on the cute monkey pillowcase Susan sent. the monkeys are holding fruit, ho cute?! Nature Girl insists she wants to use this as a blanket for her legs and climbs in the pillowcase like a sleeping bag! Silly girl! Susan also sent a cat stamp and a pretty little strawberry in the package. Thanks for the strawberry surprises Susan, she loves them!

These strawberry goodies came from Carrie. Carrie sent lots of strawberry goodness in this package! Nature Girl claimed the pink strawberry and we've eaten the strawberry candy. Yummy! She also like to pass out the coasters at the table when we eat dinner. Like some restaurants have coasters on the table, she feels we should use them for our meals. I don't mind, they're very cute! Thanks Carrie!

I received this pretty little mini quilt as art of the Miniature Booty Swap 2. I love polka dots! My partner also sent along some goodies for Nature Girl too. Thank you for the beautiful quilt and goodies for Nature Girl. There are so many generous and kind bloggers out there! Thank you for making us smile!