Recently while visiting some of our family members I pulled out my old yellowed book pages to work on some more thoughts on paper. Nature Girl and her cousins were curious about what I was working on and sat down to watch me. Always a teacher, I passed out markers, book pages to all of the kids. I explained what I was making and gave them instructions to ensure they didn't ruin the table with the Sharpies we were using. They got right to work on their own thoughts on paper.

This was Nature Girl's. She made it for her younger cousin who is totally in love with sharks. I love how the letter S has a bite out of it. Funny how one word can show so much.

This one was created by Nature Girl's nine and a half year old cousin.
She made this one for me. I thought it was very sweet! It says I love to smell the flowers. It is a simple joy in life to stop and smell the flowers. We really should take time to do it more often.
I found this Persian proverb for my
thought on paper. It reminds me that beauty and kindness should be enjoyed and shared with others. That's how it spreads and makes the world a better place. Along those same lines, I've always thought that if you want to make the world a better place you should start by making your little corner of the world better.