Having the long weekend together

was very nice! We got some projects done around the house and yard and we enjoyed a BBQ with friends. The weather was beautiful and Nature Girl dug out her new bathing suit to run through the sprinklers. When that got old we talked her into riding on her Gator. The Gator was a gift from her grandparents a year and a half ago. Nature Girl has never ridden on it. The only thing she would do was sit on the seat and honk the horn. The other kids who come to play love it but she wouldn't ride in it or drive it. We finally decided it was a waste of garage space and started talking about getting rid of it. Today she decided she was big enough to try it(really even her 2 year old cousin loves it so she's plenty big enough.) She had a blast with it!

While Nature Girl drove around under Dad's supervision I worked on organizing my craft space. I spent hours working on it. It isn't done yet but I made a big dent in it. While I cleaned up I sorted fabric and put together the fabric for my fabric swap partners. I have to tell you

choosing the fabric was harder than I thought it would be. First of all I don't know my partners and had just a short description of what they liked. One wanted kid fabrics, reds and blues and the other wanted cottons or linen. It was hard to choose which fabrics too send. I have no idea if either of them will like what I choose for them. I tried to pick things I liked and things I had larger pieces of. I have my notions picked out and just need to package it all up sometime this week. I thought so hard about what fabric to send that I forgot that I'll be getting fabric too. I feet a little bad that I didn't give a description of what I like for fabric for my partners but in hindsight maybe it's easier to pick fabric not knowing. One thing I did discover is that I have quite a few unfinished projects to work on. Looking through all of my fabric also made me think of a few more projects I want to try. I guess I better finish organizing my craft area before I get to work on all of those projects.