Saturday was our town wide yard sale. My friend MB and I headed out together to see what treasures we could find. Going to yard sales is a lot more fun when you have a friend to share your treasures with! Besides our husbands don't understand the appeal of yard sales or thrifting. At our first stop I found this great sled for $5. I'm planning to put it outside as a winter decoration.

I hit the kid craft jackpot at one sale. I found a flower press, 2 kid sewing kit/books, a pipe cleaner creation how to book, a string game book and a kids weaving loom. I even found a kid craft cube to store it all in. Nature Girl was happy with these finds. I knew she would be! I paid a total of $8 for all the craft goodies.

We spent 30 minutes last night weaving together. The loom had a weaving started so we added on from the black line. Nature Girl attended for about 30 minutes before deciding I could finish the rest. I've been wanting to try weaving. I enjoyed it and found it relaxing but of course I didn't finish it. We can work on it together another day. I think it will be fun to gather some natural items to weave in. Feathers, grass sticks, ect. I bet that would hold Nature Girl's interest!

Here are some of the goodies I brought home. The green glass platter is for me. MB and I are splitting the two gallon size ziplocks of old buttons. Can you believe it was only $3 for all of those buttons? We decided this was our favorite find of the day. I also found a new iron, two wooden chairs that match Nature Girl's play table, a few books for me and some wire baskets for a peg board. I thought they would be perfect for either my craft area or Nature Girls play area. Don't you just love yard sales and thrift stores?!!!