Today I worked a little more on my quilt for the Miniature Booty Quilt Swap before heading off to Nature Girl's dance dress rehearsal. When we got home tonight I opened the mailbox to find a package.
Cindy had sent me a miniature quilt. My first thought was, I can't open it because I haven't finished my quilt to send to
Kristie. Then I decided it would be rude not to open it so I tore into it and look what Cindy made for me! Thank you Cindy! I'm planning to use it as a wall hanging in my front foyer. This is the first swap for me all of the other's have been for Nature Girl. When I opened the package she asked what it was. I explained it was from a swap Mommy signed up for. She said "Mommy did you sign me up for a swap too?" I told her no. She said "Well you can sign me up for another swap!" She's too funny! I think she's addicted to swap mail!! I'll have to watch for another kid swap.

Here's Nature Girl hamming it up in her dance costume. She's not usually one to ham it up for the camera so we had fun with these pictures today! Her dress rehearsal was this afternoon so I made a few minor adjustments to her costume. She doesn't like the hat because the elastic is too tight. Even the new elastic I put in isn't to her liking. Thankfully she just has to wear it for her first number. She has a tap number and a ballet number in the recital. The recital is Sunday afternoon then we're off for the summer. Yippee!

I'm obviously biased but she's pretty cute! You should see her dancing! By the way thanks to all of you who have commented about her cuteness in past posts. I can't take any credit for this, she doesn't look a thing like me. She looks just like her dad! We tease him saying he looks really cute as a girl !!!