Guess who turned seven? That's right Nature Girl is seven. Can you even believe it? I can't, she's growing up so fast!! At our house we have several birthday traditions. Our first birthday tradition is going to your favorite restaurant for dinner. The second tradition is choosing a birthday dessert that the rest of the family makes for the birthday person.
Nature Girl celebrated her 7th birthday with Boston cream donuts for breakfast and dinner at the Outback. She chose the restaurant and for her birthday dessert she wanted cheesecake. We baked it at night and placed it in the fridge to cool. The next morning she woke up and asked for cheesecake for breakfast. We served it up on our birthday plate.

This year we took a few of Nature Girl's friends to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch. Here she is wearing her new pink 7 shirt. The photo is a little dark as the resturant is somewhat dark inside. It was her first visit to the Rainforest Cafe. She loved it!

Here we are outside the Rainforst Cafe. These two girls have been friends with Nature Girl since they were all babies. It's fun watching them all grow up together. They're sweet girls! They had fun looking at all of the animals and watching it rain inside the restaurant. It was a great afternoon. All three declared "This is the best birthday party ever!"

This is Nature's Girl's latest self portrait. It seems appropriate to share along with her 7th birthday post. By the way, not only are we celebrating Nature Girl's 7th birthday with this post, but it marks our 200th blog post as well! Thanks to all of you that have shared our adventures with us over the last 200 posts.
With so much to celebrate, it seems only right to have a give away. I'm going to borrow an idea I saw posted over
Sew Much 2 Luv. We'll choose three comments at random then send a special handmade surprise to the three lucky commentors sometime this year. Who doesn't love random surprise mail?! We'll choose our winners on February 2oth. Good luck!