I went to the mailbox yesterday and found a package for Nature Girl. I carried the mail back to the house and said "Is there someone named Nature Girl here?" Nature Girl said "Yes, it's me!" See, Nature Girl is more than just a bloggy name! She was so excited to receive a surprise package from
Nancy. Nancy read our post about the flamingo fabric and sent Nature Girl some fabric from her stash. Wasn't that sweet?!!!

Nature Girl loves getting mail and was thrilled with her surprises! We talked about what we could make with the fabrics Nancy sent and the flamingo fabric we bought. Nature Girl thinks they would make a good blanket. I'll add that to my crafty to do list(by the way I'm adding new projects as fast as I'm checking them off the list.)

In the meantime she's been happily draping the rainbow fabric piece(pictured here on the right) around her neck. Thank you Nancy!!!! Your kindness is greatly appreciated!