I joined Val's Year of Enchantment(YOE) ornament swap this year. They had so much fun last year so I've been super excited to participate in it this year! I sent off my first YOE package earlier this week to my partner Gin. Here are the ornaments I sent.

The two snow birds are painted on a sand dollar and the other two ornaments are sewn from recycled bits of felted wool. You can see other YOE participants ornaments
here. Below was my first attempt at a YOE ornament. It was added to my unfinished pile as a misfit, though I think I'll will finish it up for myself.

Have you ever had an idea that looked better in your mind? This happens to me all the time!!! That's what happened with my snowman snowflake ornament. This was my original sketch and my first attempt at sewing it. Nature Girl thought it looked like a snowman with lots of hair and she didn't like the scarf as it didn't match my drawing. My husband agreed with her on the hair so it was back to the drawing board or in this case the bag with the recycled wool bits for a second try. I think the version I sent Gin was closer but still not quite what I had originally envisioned. This misfit one is destined to hang on my YOE tree I think, though I may need to have a second tree for all of the misfits I create this year! Either way it was fun trying to create it. Now I'm working on the February YOE ornament, it's a gnome home theme. Since it's a craft along in February so I get to keep what I create. Let's hope my gnome home ornament turns out closer to the idea in my head!
** On another note did you notice the blog background change? Nature Girl picked out this frog recycling background. She thought it was very clever to have the recycle symbol as the leaves in the tree. It seems appropriate for a little Nature Girl!
i love my snowman ornament. I could tell right off he was in a snowflake. and my bird ornaments are awesome. thank you jill
oh no! I ADORE the snowman....I knew they were snowflakes right away!
I have to agree with the other commenters -- the snowman looks snow-flakey to me! Really adorable. But I know what you mean about seeing something in your head that doesn't translate when you produce it. You really are an artist -- have you thought about doing design work?
You are seriously awesome! Love love love the snowman :)
I love even the misfit which I dont think is a misfit at all! so glad you joined this yeah and I look forward to swapping with you! I am following you and would love to have you do the same...I love company!
Love love love the bird!!!!
I love both your snowman ornaments! And also loving the new look x
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